Thank you

Thank you!

Your donation will help to continue our fight for young women and girls’ rights in Scotland, in a time where our work is sorely needed. Thank you for being part of the movement to re-imagine Scotland for young women and girls.

We are hugely grateful for your support.

Order your scarf or gift certificate

Donated £50 or more? We’d love to gift you one of our limited edition scarves! The scarves are 100% lambswool, made in Scotland, and created in our custom tartan which was created to mark our centenary this year.

For a donation of any amount, you can order a personalised gift certificate to be sent via email.

Alternatively, you can download a non-personalised gift certificate right away.

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We’d love to stay in touch with you. Please consider signing up for our monthly newsletter, and joining us on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.

You can also find all of our latest research, articles and opportunities here on our website.