Tasnim Hassan
Tasnim Hassan
Age: 29
Location: Dundee
Pronouns: she/her

Tasnim is a researcher-activist and consultant with a particular interest in intersectional disability justice. Her research interests encompass critical disability studies, inclusive research design, intersectionality, systems thinking, and participatory practices.
Her doctoral research at Durham University is exploring the experiences of Disabled Black and Brown people across the UK using mixed methods.
Tasnim is also actively engaged in grassroots initiatives within community and third sector spaces. Her passions involve community building, collaborative and inclusive engagement, generating knowledge and evidence, and strengthening the Disabled People’s Movement.
Her experience spans across various fields and spheres, such as her advisory role for Trust for London’s Disability Justice Fund, supporting Greater London Authority and the Met Police’s engagement efforts with marginalised communities, collaborating with Sheffield University’s Centre for Equity and Inclusion in fostering anti-ableist practices, and her role as a trustee at the Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) and Corra Foundation. A consistent theme in Tasnim’s work is her emphasis on collective thinking, building meaningful connections, and engaging in continual learning and growth.