Iona Lee

Iona Lee

Age: 26
Location: Edinburgh

I am a writer of poetry and non-fiction, an artist, music-maker and spoken-word performer from Edinburgh.

In my nearly ten-years-long career, I have appeared on radio and television, and read my work in venues and on festival stages all over the UK and Europe and my work published in newspapers, anthologies and journals. I like to make work about womanhood, magic, the macabre, memory and other hauntings. I am also the front woman of a band called Acolyte, whose single The Black Cat was BBC Radio Scotland’s single of the week in 2021. I have an MFA in Art & Philosophy. My pamphlet (Polygon, 2018) was shortlisted for a Saltire Award and my upcoming debut collection, ‘Isle’, was shortlisted for an Edwin Morgan Poetry Award.