Eireann McAuley
Eireann McAuley
Age: 26
Location: Glasgow
Pronouns: she/her

Eireann is an inspirational young woman whose activism and dedication to tackling inequalities and injustices are deeply rooted in her own lived experiences. Having experienced multiple challenges in her young life, including parental drug misuses and homelessness, Eireann has gone on to become a teacher and become one of Scotland’s youngest full time-trade union officials devoted to justice and equality.
Her personal journey from adversity to advocacy fuels her relentless determination to fight for others. Eireann has been active in the trade union movement from the age of fifteen and immersed in a variety of campaigns including banning discriminatory age-wage rates, exploitative zero-hour contract, tackling sexual harassment, expanding universal free school meals to all, and lead the campaign to secure post-probationary contracts for over 500+ newly qualified teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously the Equality and Policy Officer at the Scottish Trade Union Congress, she became one of the youngest trade union officers in 2020, supporting trade union equalities work, policy and associated campaigns.
Eireann now works with Scotland’s largest teaching union, the Educational Institute of Scotland, within the National Education and Equality Department, with a significant element of Eireann’s role focused on equality related learning and co-ordinating an anti-poverty related programme. Having personally experienced an eating disorder and having lost her parent to drugs – Eireann is a fierce advocate for tackling poverty, raising awareness of mental health and reducing drug-related deaths.
Eireann is the youngest member of the Who Cares? Scotland Board and has been appointed by the Scottish FA to the Independent Wellbeing and Protection Board, reflecting and solidying Eireann’s skill, understanding and her personal dedication and passion to building a lifetime of love, equality and respect for all care experienced people, and a safer world for all.