Catriona Patterson


Jordan Baird

Age: 26
Location: Edinburgh

Catriona is Green Arts Project Manager at Creative Carbon Scotland, Environmental Officer for Festivals Edinburgh, and board member for 2050 Climate Group.

She was, by her own account, “involved in everything” from a young age. At Portobello High School she was part of a history club, book group, art club, and environmental club – but it was that last one which really stuck. When the school set up an eco committee, Catriona became the first chair, and during that time they were the first high school in Scotland to get three green flags, which led to Catriona and the group presenting at the Scottish Parliament.

This stood her in good stead as she went on to study sustainable development at St Andrews University. As luck would have it, as part of her dissertation she set up an interview with Creative Carbon Scotland – which supports environmental sustainability in the arts – just as they were hiring for a project, and the rest is history!

Since then, Catriona has continued her work with Creative Carbon Scotland, but not before spending three months in Cambodia as part of the voluntary service with the Department for International Development, working on sustaining economic livelihood with a focus on cultural heritage.

Alongside her work, Catriona volunteers for the 2050 Climate Group which aims to educate, engage and empower young people to tackle climate change. Catriona has worked tirelessly to support the group as it recently made the transition to become a registered charity, and she personally arranged and maintains SEPA’s second ever Sustainable Growth Agreement with 2050.