Donate for young women’s rights

Help us fight for young women and girls’ rights

Donate today

We’re fundraising to help ensure that our fight for young women and girls’ rights in Scotland can keep going.

The charity fundraising landscape is incredibly tough just now, at a time when our work is becoming more vital all the time. With a global rise in misogyny, an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and poor access to public services, young women and girls’ rights are at risk.

Our movement supports young women and girls to lead change on issues that matter to them, and amplifies their voices and experiences in decision-making spaces. Donate £10 to help us continue this work.

Donate with JustGiving

Help us re-imagine Scotland for young women and girls

Our research tells us that young women and girls are struggling: misogyny and violence against women and girls is on the rise; access to vital services like healthcare and the justice system is severely limited; the ongoing cost-of-living crisis is disproportinately affecting young women and girls; and women remain under-represented at every level of Scottish politics.

Our vision is a fairer Scotland for young women and girls. Donate £10 to help ensure we can continue our work in 2025.

Gift yourself a limited edition scarf

We have a limited supply of custom lambswool scarves created in The Young Women’s Movement tartan, designed by a young woman to commemorate our 100th anniversary in 2024.

If you donate £50 or more, we’ll gift you your very own scarf. The scarves are 100% lamsbswool and made in Scotland.

Available while stocks last, UK only.

Give a gift in someone’s name

Give the gift of knowing they’ve made a difference for Scotland’s young women and girls by making a donation in their name.

After you donate, you’ll be taken to a page with a downloadable gift certificate. You can print or share it to let your gift recipient know how their gift is helping to fight for a fairer Scotland, where young women and girls’ voices are meaningfully heard, valued and celebrated.

What will my donation do?


would cover the travel costs for a young woman seeking asylum to attend an Empowering Pathways session to learn about her rights


would help us bring a young woman into Parliament to amplify her voice and have it heard by people making decisions that affect her life


would pay for a young woman to take part in an advisory panel session to co-design our programme and workshop offering for young women across Scotland


would cover the cost of a focus group with young women from marginalised communities to amplify their experiences and challenge systemic inequality in their interests

Every penny donated helps us to continue our work to create a fairer Scotland for young women and girls.

Donating is great, but it’s not the only way to support our work. You could buy merch, fundraise for us, or keep an eye out for volunteering opportunities. Head to our get involved page or sign up to our newsletter to see what’s going on!