Chand Kaur


Chand Kaur

Age: 25
Location: Edinburgh
Pronouns: she/her

Chand Kaur, 30 under 30 nominee in 2023 smiling at the camera.

Founding PCOS Relief, a charity organisation, due to my own struggle of being diagnosed with PCOS, in my early twenties, I knew I wanted to create a charity that would bring meaning and value to women’s lives, who were also diagnosed with this condition. 1 in 10 women are diagnosed with this condition and 1 in 5 within BAME communities, making it a very common reproductive hormonal disorder and yet very little is done to support this condition. I have been advocating to bring as much awareness of this condition, highlight the challenges, and promote better lifestyle choices to support in managing this condition worldwide, in Scotland, the UK and India.

I hosted a roundtable event in the Scottish Parliament allowing self-lived experienced women to ask direct questions to key healthcare professionals, which was a very successful event. We managed to secure another four in-person events, one of which will be held on International Women’s Day at Edinburgh Napier University. The other events will be educational workshops, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee.

PCOS Relief provides four main services to our members that are all free of charge to join as we did not want to put any financial restrictions on obtaining support for a better life. I am honoured to be the CEO of PCOS Relief, being British Sikh and being able to represent the BAME communities who tend to not seek support or healthcare treatment due to the taboo and sensitivity of this condition. We provide all our content in five different languages to allow members to understand and obtain support.