Bekah Ellis


Bekah Ellis

Age: 25
Location: Glasgow
Pronouns: They/she

Bekah Ellis, 30 under 30 nominee in 2023 smiling at the camera.

I’m Bekah – a proudly fat, queer, mentally ill person who strives to make others feel more comfortable and confident. I’ve not always felt “proud” to be those things though.

While at university studying Community Education, I attended a Bridging Digital conference, part of the Erasmus Plus project, which addressed international delegates on community education practices in learning, teaching, and practice. I spoke mainly about using digital media and technology in youth work practices and how we use digital media as part of our assessments at university.

It’s taken a long time for me to accept myself, and that journey is something I’ve shared on social media over the past five years. I talk about all things body acceptance and mental health, as someone who has a history of disordered eating and lives with anxiety, depression and CPTSD.

Through sharing my own story, I’ve grown a community of over 60,000 people across Instagram and TikTok. More importantly, I’ve encouraged people to be kinder to themselves, to ditch diet culture, and to know that their body is the least interesting thing about them.

Posting on social media isn’t always sunshine and rainbows though. I’m met with judgement, queerphobia and fatphobia on a daily basis, and this definitely impacts my mental health. However, I refuse to let the negative comments stop me from posting. If I can make one person feel less alone, that outweighs the hatred and is enough for me.

You’ll find me on social media during my 9-5 as well! Professionally, I’m a social media manager who specialises in working with charities, helping them to build engaged online communities.

When I’m not on my phone or laptop, you’ll most likely find me drinking coffee, cuddling my pets while watching a true crime documentary, or walking around one of Glasgow’s many parks.